Meatless Mondays

Black Bean Sweet Potato Chili Nachos

Black Bean Sweet Potato Chili Nachos

“Ya gotta love the black bean sweet potato chili nachos topped off with spinach, cilantro, tomato, vegan cheesy sauce and cashew sour cream…woah,” words of wisdom from Melissa herself.  It’s that time of the week again, my friends.  Meatless Monday is here.  What is YOUR go-to vegetarian dish? 

These delicious nachos are super easy to put together.  It’s fast, filling, and good for you; not to mention good for the planet.  

  1. Black beans: if you don’t have time to get dried beans from the bulk section of your favorite local market, buying them in the can works.  (Just be sure to recycle it after you’ve emptied the beans from it, and washed it out.)  Cook the beans if they were dried, or simply heat them up if they were from a can.

  2. Baked and mashed sweet potato with a touch of chili powder added for zip.

  3. Corn tortilla chips (we like Que Pasa organic corn chips).

  4. Chop up some veg.  We used spinach, cilantro, and tomato.  You could also add red onion, avocado, fresh jalapeno, or olives.

  5. Top it all off with a vegan cheezy sauce and cashew sour cream, both of which can be purchased at just about any local grocery store.

  6. Put it all together, and enjoy!

One day a week, take the meat out of your diet.  You’re doing a great thing for your body, your animal friends, and the planet.  Small adjustments create big ripples!  Tell us how your nachos turned out.  Did you add your own twist to our suggestions?  

Thanks for stopping by at the Blue Barn Farm & Sanctuary!

This post was originally published February 4, 2019 by Amy A. Ehn


Meatless Mondays


Meatless Mondays