Meatless Mondays

Jumbo chickpea pancake covered in cashew sour cream and pear chutney.

Jumbo chickpea pancake covered in cashew sour cream and pear chutney.

A super fun, delicious, and simple way to incorporate more compassion into our lives is by designating one day a week to skip the meat in our diets. Of course, if you are already living a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle, this will be a cinch! Here at the Blue Barn Farm & Sanctuary, we believe that there is an astronomical amount of power leveraged through our buying choices. When we consciously purchase something other than meat to eat, we are sending a very clear message to a global industry that is:

  • ·       supporting the worldwide destruction of natural
    habitats to grow food for livestock that will be turned into food for humans and other beings

  • ·       profiting off of the cruel and inhumane
    treatment of animals

  • ·       creating suffering for the purpose of driving
    the consumerism that is “consuming” our society

  • ·       cultivating an audience willing to turn a blind
    eye for a cheap deal at the supermarket

  • ·       knowingly poisoning us, the soil, and the plants used for livestock feed, as well as the animals eating these “frankenfoods”, through the use and abuse of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides

Meatless Mondays doesn’t require a drastic overhaul of our diet.  It fosters a more clear connection to what we are using to fuel our bodies.  It brings in an awareness surrounding the connection between what we are putting on our plate, and how that ripples out into the community at large.  Plus, it tastes really good!  By implementing this one little interesting shift in our routine, we have the potential of making a gigantic difference in the quality of living for a lot of animals, not to mention the health of our planet as a whole.  

Voila!  Meatless Mondays are made manifest!  This week we are showcasing a favorite tried and true recipe from Angela at Oh She Glows: Jumbo Chickpea Pancake – A High Protein, Filling Vegan Breakfast or Lunch.  This divine combination of chickpea flour, garlic powder, salt, pepper, baking powder, and optional red pepper flakes turned pancake will make a believer out of you!  She couples her pancake with avocado, salsa, and hummus.  We decided to stuff ours with sautéed kale, chard, onion, and mushrooms.  However, the options for fillings are practically endless.  Now imagine this:  it’s made even more delightful with our homemade cashew sour cream topped with our pear chutney created from the fruits of our pear trees.  Leave us a comment if you’re excited to learn how to make either of these show stopping extras for this or any number of other delectable treats, and tell us how your Meatless Monday turned out! 

This post was originally published January 28, 2019 by Amy A. Ehn


Meatless Mondays


Once Upon A Time...