Meatless Mondays

Thank you Rabbit and Wolves!

This soup is DIVINE!!!

One of the best parts about writing this blog is being inspired to explore all kinds of new recipes. Today’s Meatless Mondays post is compliments of our friends over at Rabbit and Wolves. Click on the link to get the recipe for this Vegan White Lasagna Soup, and read a whole bunch of fabulous comments.

Of course, we are also feeling inspired to take this opportunity to think about how our meal choices are impacting the Earth, and all of the folks who call her home. The factory farming industry is under the microscope, and not just by peace-loving radicals. Here’s a little snip-it from an article in Forbes:

“Factory farming comes under criticism when thousands of animals are crowded in small facilities, diseases may become common and consumers who consume these products can be exposed to serious health effects. This puts further pressure on the meat industry since factory farms have a main focus on operational efficiencies to create a less expensive and more accessible product for consumers. According to American Humane’s survey nearly 95% of participants are “very concerned” about the welfare of farm animals and 69% of consumers responding to a Context Marketing survey (2010) said they would be willing to pay more for food that “promises to be produced to higher ethical standards”, showing that this is an issue that consumers truly care about.”

Forbes Magazine, July 15, 2015, Phil Lempert

This is not even beginning to touch on any global impacts of these industrial farming practices; from contamination of water sources, to deforestation for grazing land, and inhumane treatment of the animals being raised as food for other animals and people. We would be outraged if our pets were being treated this way: forced to stand on metal grates and/or concrete floors all day with no space to turn around, or at least be able step out of their own excrement. Why is it okay for the animals being “produced” for food to be neglected and abused?

Here’s your challenge: in the name of bringing our collective habits back into a sustainable place of balance, skip putting meat on your plate one day out of the week. We chose Mondays, but you can pick any day of the week you want! Little ripples eventually turn into big waves. Make this delicious vegan white lasagna soup, and know that it tastes amazing AND it’s good for us, animals and plants included. Then send us a comment telling us about how yours turned out. From all of the folks at Blue Barn Farm & Sanctuary, have a great week. May it be filled with kindness, compassion, and empathy.

This post was originally published February 11, 2019 by Amy A. Ehn


Meatless Mondays


Meatless Mondays