what's cookin' wednesday....for breakfast??

Folks were up early over at Blue Barn Sanctuary this past Sunday morning. We were hosting friends from the Northwest Dog Project, and they were heading over to do a day of work. (Thanks, guys!!!)

Have you ever had a day that you KNEW you needed to fuel yourself just right to get a good start? You needed a filling and nourishing breakfast and it would be a BIG plus if it was warm. Oh, and you didn’t want to stand over the stove cooking….

This was one of those days.

There was a chill in the air, a lot of work waiting for us and we were HUNGRY!

Let’s have some breakfast!

I always liked oatmeal, but unless I really sweetened it up and added a lot of extras, I found it kind of….ummm…


Do you agree?

But it’s soooo good for you, right??

So when I brought home the Eat Like You Give a Damn cookbook, oatmeal took on a whole new meaning…


It’s SWEET!!- from bananas and blueberries.

It’s hearty, because it’s baked with some extras, like almond meal (helllooooo, extra protein and fat to stick to your ribs- but in a good way) and extra nuts or seeds if you care to throw them in..

It’s a perfect combination and it’s….you guessed it….EASY!!!!

Ding Ding Ding!!!

We have a winner!!

Throw it in a bowl, mix it up, pour some of this, sprinkle some of that, bake, and we are DONE!



The best thing is that it makes a lot, so you can share it, reheat it the next day, or pig out and not feel guilty. WIN WIN WIN

We did a combo this past Sunday. I personally ate a BIG ole bowl and then we shared with our super awesome Board Member, Tait.

We’re hoping he lends his two cents on how it tasted so you feel inclined to try it out yourself.

We didn’t find this recipe out there online so we are going to give you a general run down of how to make an oatmeal bake (and then encourage you to purchase their book to get the real deal, because, well, it’s AWESOME)

Here goes:

Slice up some banana and spread it across the bottom of a glass baking dish.

Mix ~2 cups oats with a tsp baking powder, 1/3ish cup almond meal (or ground nuts of any sort), some salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, whatever floats your boat (a lil bit of coconut sugar goes a Long way here)…Sprinkle this over the nanners.

Pour about 2 cups or so of non dairy milk (throw in some vanilla to make it extra yum) and pour it over the mix.

Sprinkle with blueberries (we use frozen and we use A LOT)

Bake at about 375 for 35/40 minutes. The thicker you make it, the longer it takes (test out the middle)

Let sit for 5 minutes or so and then …..DIG IN.

So there you have it! A perfect way to make a compassionate choice, first thing in the AM. Starts your body…and your karma…off to a great start!

We look forward to hearing about YOUR Oatmeal Bake here at the Blue Barn Sanctuary- where kindness, compassion and empathy grow.

Wait…what’s that??? Do you smell enchiladas????

Wait…what’s that??? Do you smell enchiladas????

Oh, hold on…that’s not til next week

Stay Tuned!!!!!

With Gratitude,



what's cookin' wednesday??-----ENCHILADAS!!!!


a little pumpkin spice and everything nice- what's cookin' wednesday