blue barn farm & sanctuary

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Something New!! What's Cookin' Wednesdays

Hey Blue Barn Friends!!

Cooking is always something we love to do around here at the Blue Barn. It’s one of the biggest ways we can show compassion each and every day- by choosing to put plants on our plate instead of supporting animal agriculture. 

Garden harvests make plant based eating even easier over the summer months- and WOAH ! look at those colors!!

We realize that it’s hard to plan and cook meals - especially if plant based meals are new to you. The struggle is VERY real.

That’s where we come in. 

We’d like to make plant based eating (and compassionate decision making) easier for you…

So here’s what we’re gonna do…

Every Wednesday, we will share a recipe, product or restaurant (or two or three or four….) that you can use as a resource for compassionate living. We’ll do our best to mix it up and make it easy breezy(most of the time).

Looking for just the right recipe for your end of the summer cookout? Leave it to us!

Want to figure out how to navigate the holidays? We’ve got your back!

Not seeing something you like? Just give a mention down in the comments!

Maybe with a little help from your friends here at the Blue Barn, making kinder choices can be just a little easier.

While we’re on the topic (sort of ) of summer, let’s get to this week’s choice


Crunchy. Sweet. Delicious aaaaaaaand…….EASY. We like easy. 

We added some red onion and carrots we harvested from our greenhouse. Given the choice, we’ll always add some color…

We whipped these babies up for our Piggie Painting Night just the other week and they were a hit (and so was painting- join us next time, why don’t ya??)

Follow this link to get you the recipe and soon, your frig can be filled with these tasty garden treats as well. 

Hope you enjoy and we’ll see you next week!!!

With Gratitude (and veggies),
