Ask, and You Shall Receive

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Mojo had a photo shoot with Melissa, celebrating our gratitude for your out-pouring of generosity.

WOW! You are all so fabulous! The Blue Barn Farm & Sanctuary is being graced with the bountiful giving from our friends, family, and followers. We could not be more pleased, and humbled. It warms our hearts to experience such an absolute showing of support. Here is the best part: more in-kind donations are arriving every day! AHHHHHH!!!

Pretty soon Melissa and Ryan are going to run out of space on their porch.

Pretty soon Melissa and Ryan are going to run out of space on their porch.

On top of being blissed out by the love and generosity of our supporters, we are also continuing to work on getting everything ready for the animals. We spent Sunday morning working on the next stretch of fence, and cleaning up the newly fenced-in pasture (from all the construction). Then we moved into the small barn to prepare the indoor space for the soon-to-be residents.


I am beyond words when I look back at the pictures from just a few months ago. Where there was once just pasture, there is now a complete fence behind the small barn. By the end of our next fence party, we will have the fence in front of the small barn just about finished, too.


We are definitely feeling the love! Keep those donations coming in, my friends. After this next step of fencing is complete, we will be putting a major focus onto readying the inside of the small barn. Here is a peek into that next phase…


As challenging as it can be just living a “normal” life, imagine adding “opening a farm animal sanctuary” to your to-do list. Exactly. This is why Melissa and Ryan can use all the help they can get toward spreading their message of kindness, compassion, and empathy for all beings.

Together, we are making this happen! Check out the Blue Barn Farm & Sanctuary Wish List if you aren’t sure what we are still needing. You are amazing! Keep doing great things!

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Something New!! What's Cookin' Wednesdays


The Piggies Are Coming!!!