Nibbles with Nelly

Vegan Potsticker Soup

Vegan Potsticker Soup

Hello, and welcome to the Blue Barn Farm and Sanctuary. One of my favorite times of the year is fall. We are fortunate to have some pretty spectacular colors here in the Pacific Northwest right now. It won’t be too much longer, and we will have a good solid rain/wind storm come through, and knock the last of those fall colors off of the trees. For now, though, we are still enjoying them and the cheerful vibe they bring to the cooler days. Another great thing about fall is that it officially marks the beginning of soup season! We posted a recipe for soup a few weeks ago, and today I am back at it. This time I worked out a delicious rendition of potsticker soup. Oh man was it tasty! With shitake mushrooms, green onions, and fresh grated ginger, it was just the thing I needed to warm up after a brisk walk in the chilly fall air.

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I was inspired by a handful of different recipes. Ultimately, I took a little from here and a bit from there to create my own soup. Here’s the thing: I had never made potstickers before! I love eating them whenever I’m out someplace that offers vegan wrappers and filling, but that is not very often. So I went on a quest. Eventually, I was able to find what I was after at our local Asian market here in town. These wrappers are dairy free, egg free, and size large for easy wrapping. They worked really well, and are the perfect thing to set this soup off. I filled them with a mushroom and walnut “ground brown” I use for other dishes, but I added some ginger and green onions to it this time. Fantastic!

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Potsticker Soup before adding thee potstickers to cook.

Potsticker Soup before adding thee potstickers to cook.

I realize that not everyone likes to step outside of their comfort zone, and try something new. Trust me when I say I get it. Growing up, my Mom loved going out to dinner with the rest of the family. She was not, however, very adventurous when it came to eating new things. I always start simple. Base your choices of new dishes off of things you already know you like to eat. It’s the same for shifting to eating plant-based meals. The more we stick with things we already know we like, the more likely it is that we will like these new dishes. Before you know it, you will be automatically thinking about things you used to eat but in a new way. It’s a fun way to challenge the brain: take something traditionally not plant-based, like this potsticker soup, and see how you can make it even more delicious while keeping it plant-based and cruelty-free.

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From all of us here at the Blue Barn Farm and Sanctuary, stay cozy! We will catch up with you again next week with another mouth-watering option for eating with kindness, compassion, and empathy.

Miss Nelly Rose

Miss Nelly Rose


Nibbles with Nellly


Nibbles with Nelly