Links to Video Clips

Melissa blowing bubbles.jpg

As savvy as I would like to believe I am, in truth there are some things that I am no expert at. Take uploading videos to this blog, for example. We have some great clips to share with you all, but I am still in the process of figuring out this new website. Alas, until I get a little further along on this journey, I decided to at least share the links for these clips. I think what might have to happen is a Blue Barn Farm Sanctuary YouTube channel. What do you think about that?

January 26, 2019

Here’s an impromptu video-shoot at the Blue Barn Farm & Sanctuary, with Melissa giving us a tour and detailing her vision for the layout of the property.

February 8, 2019

Creating a safe space for the animals to live is our top priority at the Blue Barn Farm & Sanctuary. Today, we took down a 90 ft dead cedar tree that was right in the middle of the yard. The wood from this tree is being milled into boards that will be used as part of the fencing for our pigs. Check out this video clip of the tree coming down:

February 21, 2019

Moving right along… today we had a friend come spend the day with us, to mill the wood from the felled cedar tree into boards for our fencing. This quick video gives you peak into how much work went into creating the stack of lumber pictured on our blog.

March 23, 2019

It’s officially begun!!! We are clearing trenches to set the first round of fencing in place. Somebody please pinch me, because I feel like I am dreaming!!!


The Farm Animal Rescue Daily


Digging the Trenches for the Fences