blue barn farm & sanctuary

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Nibbles with Nelly

Corn Chowder (without the cream)

Hello, and welcome to Blue Barn Farm and Sanctuary. My husband always says that it isn’t really chowder if you can’t stand the spoon up in the bowl. Well, let me tell you, we did his test, and the spoon stood up with no help from me! If only we had the idea to get a picture of it! Once the weather starts turning toward these lovely cooler fall temperatures, I adore making soups. I couldn’t remember the last time I made corn chowder, and when I stumbled across this recipe, I knew instantly that it was the perfect thing for right now. It’s warm, thick, hearty, full of flavor, and easy to make.

Like all of the yummy dishes we share on our blog, this corn chowder is 100% plant-based, dairy-free, and cruelty-free. The secret to making this chowder so super rich and creamy without the dairy is in the potatoes and cashews. Once again, I was inspired by Nora from to make this ultra comforting soup. I say “inspired” because let’s face it, if you’ve been following this blog you have caught on to the fact that I often add my own special touch to whatever recipe I’m using. You could say that I think of recipes more like suggestions. I get in there, and wow, the creative juices just start flowing! Haha!

Nora mentions adding crumbled tempeh bacon to the chowder. Well, I didn’t have that, but I did have some liquid smoke. If you go this route, I will gently remind you that a little goes a long way with this stuff. In fact, I like to add just a dash, and then taste, and add more if need be. Once it’s in there, you can’t take it back out. I also just happened to have picked up some ground chipotle chili powder that afternoon. I have always loved corn chowder that has a little zip to it. So I put a bit of that in there too. Although, because I had these revelations after I took the picture (below), they didn’t make it into the photoshoot.

All the ingredients for the corn chowder except the liquid smoke and ground chipotle chili powder.

Simply stated, this was a fantastic way to kick-off soup season! I didn’t have to spend all day in the kitchen, and when it was all over, there was plenty to jar up and eat again later in the week. Definitely a win/win situation. There are so many delicious options for creating plant-based meals. I am amazed time and time again by how easy it can be to substitute ingredients in some of my “traditional” favorites, and make them vegan.

Which leads me to this: What’s my “why”? I get this question a lot. We are a curious bunch, aren’t we? As a life-long lover of animals, and also somebody who is interested in being the best version of myself possible (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually), there were many internal dialogues happening. I did a ton of research. At the end of the day, however, I just knew this was a good choice for me, my animals friends, and the planet as a whole. The more awareness we bring into our process of choosing, the impact those choices have on the micro and macro scale, as well as the fostering of sustainable living for future generations, the easier it is to see how all of the dots connect.

Maybe for you and your family it won’t be a bowl of plant-based corn chowder that gets the conversation going, but at some point we begin to question why we choose to eat animals and animal products in spite of knowing about the horrific conditions and abuse many of them endure. In a world that could certainly use more kindness, compassion, and empathy, we can bring in that awareness in pretty easy ways when planning our meals. We can begin a dialogue with our family and friends about our “why”. Maybe it won’t happen overnight, but even a small spark of knowledge has the capacity to do great things. The earth and all of us living here need something to change. Why not be that change? Why not be that spark?

From all of us at the Blue Barn Farm and Sanctuary, happy soup season! Enjoy the weekend, and let us know how your corn chowder turns out. Smile, be grateful, and eat some soup!

Miss Nelly Rose